
Posts Tagged ‘Michelle Bachmann’


Michelle Bachmann

Flipping the Bird!

Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat

You know you are in trouble as a Republican (well smart Republicans know, not Michelle Bachmann) when someone on FOX News freaking Neil Cavuto of all people who is generally loyal to the Tea Party goes against you and tells you “that you are simply wrong. Stop talking so I can explain to you why you are wrong. Would you just shut the hell up for a minute so I can show you how wrong you are! You are not even a senator you can’t filibuster on my show!”

It is really the first part that I’m interested in. As far as what Representative Bachmann (who will no longer be a Representative in six months) was proposing. Defunding the Executive Branch, how would that work? Isn’t she pro-military and pro-national security and against terrorists and everyone who would wreck America as we know it? Well that is Republicans like her claim they are. Their voting records in Congress tends to suggest something else though. What part of the Federal Government does Representative Bachmann think these key functions of government are part of?

I have a great reform proposal for Congress. That everyone who serves on the intelligence committees has to be intelligent. That should go without saying, but Representative Bachmann just happens to be a member of the House Intelligence Committee. (And you wonder why Americans tend to get stereotyped as stupid) The House and Senate intelligence committees are about intelligence right, again that should go without saying. Well to understand intelligence you first have to be intelligent yourself so you know what the hell you are supposed to be learning.

My new reform for the House and Senate would say in order to serve on the intelligence committees you first have to show some certain degree of intelligence. Have and IQ north of one-hundred at least and a professional and congressional record that shows you are not only intelligent, but responsible and do not have a record of saying completely false things. Or simply making them up. And under this policy Michelle Bachmann would’ve never been eligible to serve on the House Intelligence Committee. And instead had an army of teachers trying to teach her how to be a U.S. Representative instead. Before she was eligible to serve on important House committees.

The Young Turks: FNC’s Neil Cavuto on Michelle Bachmann


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This post was originally posted at The New Democrat on Blogger

Forget about what the guy with the big mouth doing the commentary in the video. The O’Reilly-Bachmann exchange represents exactly what is wrong with the Republican Party right now. And Bill gave Representative Michelle Bachmann all the opportunity possible in about four minutes. When the asshole wasn’t speaking to make it clear that the GOP is the NMP right now the No Message Party. Because they do not have a unifying message because they are the opposition party. Without a clear frontrunner for 2016 so they got these tribes who really just speak for themselves instead.

I almost fell asleep listening to Cathy McMorris-Rodgers response to President Obama at the State of the Union a couple of weeks ago. And keep in mind I’m an insomniac and I don’t fall asleep very often. But at least there was some point to her message. Someone coming from middle class small town roots to the big time as member of the Republican Leadership in the House of Representatives. But with Michelle it is two minutes of what that she’s pro-American, apple pie and motherhood and so-forth.

Michelle Bachmann represents exactly why IQ tests should be required for anyone in Congress to serve on the House or Senate Intelligence committees. And thank God she only serves on one of them. Because give her one topic and you get competing messages on the same topic. As well as her volunteering other topics to talk about in a span of two minutes. And I wish this Congress could only end tomorrow so she is no longer in the House which she is retiring from at the end of this Congress.

Sleepy Baby

Sleepy Baby

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This post was originally posted at The New Democrat on Blogger

I don’t know why anyone takes Representative Michelle Bachmann seriously on anything. Except when it may come to satire or what is stupid in the world today. I could just concentrate on the fact that she spends her time repeating Tea Party talking points that are completely false. The Obama War on Women to use as an example, the Obama War on Success or the Obama War on Energy. Are just a few examples and the fact that CNN brings her to debate someone as serious as knowledgeable as Senator Bernie Sanders whose also a gentleman and let’s people speak, is beyond me.

You want to know why CNN’s ratings are down and they are actually losing viewers to that joke called a news network MSNBC, I’ll tell you anyway. Because Wolf Blitzer and other’s at CNN bring on Michelle Bachmann and people just as ignorant and rude as she is. And just basically let her talk the whole time and when they have what they call debates with her there, she not only get’s to speak as long as she wants to, but get’s to take the person’s she’s debating with time as well. Not stopping her awful interruptions and as a result viewers have to listen to all of her garbage. That doesn’t get questioned or turn to another channel.

As far as poverty in America, I actually watched the entire video of the interview of the poor single mom. And what she was said was that she needs additional skills and education so she can get herself a good job and not need public assistance at all. Because she knows she simply can’t support herself on public assistance or working a minimum wage job with public assistance. Which has been one of my main points when it has come to the so-called War on Poverty in America.
Michelle Bachmann

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Is Michele Bachmann a constitutional conservative_

Source:The Daily Times– U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (Republican, Minnesota) debating the Patriot Act on the House Floor.

“A closer look at some of representative Bachmann’s recent actions.
Article Used:The Los Angeles Times.”

From FOX News

As a Liberal who actually does love the U.S. Constitution, because American liberalism is based on liberty and the Constitution that we use as our guiding Force, the American Civil Liberties Union is all about the U.S. Constitution and defending it and when I hear so-called Constitutional Conservatives (Michele Bachmann comes to mind) claim to be Constitutional Conservatives, I get this sudden urge to look at their records and then point them out.

The Christian-Right has their version of the Holy Bible as their guiding force. Liberals have something that was actually written in law that governs America.

And when I hear the Far-Right saying how much they love the Constitution but then seem to be against the First Amendment except or political speech, or the Fourth Amendment that protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, the 17th Amendment that gives the people the right to decide who their Senators in Congress are, and unfortunately I could go, but people only have so much time to live, but when I hear them make those claims, I get the urge to laugh my face off (to be clean) into next week.

Christian-Nationalists being in favor of allowing the executive branch to suspend constitutional rights when they feel they endanger the country or against the Equal Protection Clause especially to prevent homosexuals from marrying each other, the Christian-Right trying to bring religion closer to government, so-called Tea Party conservatives trying to prevent workers from organizing and collective bargaining: I mean seriously what Constitution do they believe in conserving?

I think to myself really, because these are fundamental constitutional Rights that these so-called Conservatives seem to be against. Perhaps it’s not the U.S. Constitution they love but only parts of it.

Political conservatism is supposed to be centered around the U.S. Constitution and protecting and defending those basic rights that makes our country great especially in a liberal democracy. Conservatism is not supposed to about authoritarian big government where rights can be suspended if the government feels its in the best interest and doesn’t even have to justify it.

Conservatism at least conservative-libertarianism with Barry Goldwater, Ron Reagan and others is supposed to be about limited government and preventing government from getting big. Because they believed when government got big, the people gave up some of their freedom. Mainstream conservatism is about protecting constitutional rights, not denying that they exist.

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CNN_ AC360- 'Anderson Cooper_ Keeping Michele Bachmann Honest'

Source:CNN– Representative Michele Bachmann, was always a great candidate for Anderson Cooper’s RidicuList as well.

Source:The Daily Times 

“Michele Bachmann, Queen Of The Dumb, Lies About Planned Parenthood. Michele Bachmann makes up a quote about a Planned Parenthood executive.”

From CNN

Back in the late 1990s and 2000s former President Bush chief political strategist Karl Rove, mastered the political strategy of divide and Conquer. He didn’t invent the political strategy. That probably happened with the Nixon Campaign, but nobody has done it better before or since.

When you know you’re in a tough election and your candidate isn’t very popular, instead of talking about what you’re good at and what you want to do, you try to destroy your opponent. So they seem worse than you are. And you take stories about your opponents and give the worst possible spin about them as you can come up with. To make your opponent look as bad as possible.

Which is exactly what Michele Bachmann has done ever since taking office in the House. And now running for President of the United States. Ah’ an American Citizen, she was born in America, she’s at least 35 years old, she’s free. So in her mind she’s as qualified as anyone else to run for President of the United States. Which by the way are her only qualifications to run for President of the United States.

Representative Bachmann is an expert on nothing, except perhaps ignorance. Makes up things as she goes along and represents what happens when American voters vote style over substance. Representative Bachmann has style, but where’s the rest. Palin and Bachmann are both attractive, funny intentionally and unintentionally and have style. But neither one of them has any there, there.

As a Liberal Democrat my dream ticket for the Republican Party in 2012, are Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Or in reverse order. The problem being that at least Sarah Palin understands that she’s not qualified to be President. At least not yet and Michele Bachmann hasn’t gotten that message. And the other problem even though there have been plenty of obvious clues put in front of her, being that the GOP is not dumb enough to nominate either one of them for President. And wouldn’t accept the other for Vice President.

Which is why I’ve always said that Sarah Palin is not going to run for President. Because the GOP Leadership has told her not to. And the Republican establishment would run away from her. I mean, can you imagine a Palin/Bachmann ticket or in reverse order. Against Obama/Biden, all the President has to do: “Look you may not like us, but look at the other crew spending all of their time denying and retracting things that they’ve said. Just trying to prove that they are qualified to be President and Vice President of the United States.”

President Obama would just have to say: “You got to reëlect me for no other reason to prevent the other crew that doesn’t even understand their jobs that they are running for from being elected.” I mean can you imagine President Palin or Bachmann getting that famous 3AM call. What would their response be: “Don’t bother me, I’m sleeping. I’ll defend the country or respond to the crisis when the sun is up.” I’m expecting President Obama to get reelected in 2012 if for no other reason, because of their competition or lack of competition.

And the divisive primary’s that the Republican Party is about to face, where Iowa and New Hampshire could be won by two different candidates and neither one of them is named Mitt Romney. Which would force Romney to make a big play in South Carolina and make a divided Republican race even more divided. But a Palin/Bachmann ticket or the other

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