
Posts Tagged ‘2012 Presidential Election’

Alex Witt Talks with Gov_ Gary Johnson - MSNBC (2012-07-07)

Source:MSNBC– Alex Witt interviewing 2012 Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson.

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on WordPress.

“Visit Uncensored TV to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John Stossel, Jesse Ventura and more.

Alex Witt Talks with Gary Johnson – July 7th (2012-07-07)”

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From MSNBC.”

From Gary Johnson

I don’t believe Gary Johnson is running for President, especially with the Libertarian Party because he believed would be elected President of the United States in 2012. Or even have a good shot of being elected President. The LP simply doesn’t have the ballot access needed to win enough votes for their presidential candidate to be elected President. But that hopefully Gary Johnson is running for President especially for the LP, because he wants to get more attention and publicity for the Libertarian Party.

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on Blogger.

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Kathleen Parker_ The Washington Post - Google SearchSource:The Washington Post– columnist Kathleen Parker.

“Let me be blunt: If Republicans nominate Rick Santorum to run for president, they will lose.

The prospect of four more years of President Barack Obama holds some appeal for many Americans but probably not for most Republicans. It may give doubters among them some comfort, however, to know that Obama and Santorum share the same prayer: that Santorum be the Republican nominee.

It gives me no pleasure to rap Santorum, a man I know and respect even if I disagree with him on some issues. Not that he minds. He’s a scrapper who loves a fight — and he forgives. Bottom line: Santorum is a good man. He’s just a good man in the wrong century.

This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s wrong about everything, but he’s so far out of step with the majority of Americans that he can’t hope to win the votes of moderates and independents so crucial to victory in November. The Republican Party’s insistence on conservative purity, meanwhile, will result in the cold comfort of defeat with honor and, in the longer term, potential extinction.

Increasingly, the party is growing grayer and whiter. Nine out of 10 Republicans are non-Hispanic white, and more than half are highly religious, according to Gallup. This isn’t news, but when this demographic is suddenly associated with renewed debate about whether women should have access to contraception — never mind abortion — suddenly they begin to look like the Republican Brotherhood.

Add to that perception the abhorrent, pre-abortion ultrasound legislation proposed in Virginia, and you can kiss the pope’s ring and voters’ retreating backsides.

The proposed law, temporarily tabled, called for women seeking an abortion to be forced to submit to a vaginal ultrasound. Aldous Huxley’s “The Devils of Loudon” comes to mind, but he was writing about exorcisms in a convent of 17th-century France. When did Republicans, who supposedly believe in less government intervention, begin thinking that invading a person’s body against her will was remotely acceptable?

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Obama’s dream: To run against Santorum

The prospect of four more years of President Barack Obama holds some appeal for many Americans but probably not for most Republicans. It may give doubters among them some comfort, however, to know that Obama and Santorum share the same prayer: that Santorum be the Republican nominee.

It gives me no pleasure to rap Santorum, a man I know and respect even if I disagree with him on some issues. Not that he minds. He’s a scrapper who loves a fight — and he forgives. Bottom line: Santorum is a good man. He’s just a good man in the wrong century.

This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s wrong about everything, but he’s so far out of step with the majority of Americans that he can’t hope to win the votes of moderates and independents so crucial to victory in November. The Republican Party’s insistence on conservative purity, meanwhile, will result in the cold comfort of defeat with honor and, in the longer term, potential extinction.

Increasingly, the party is growing grayer and whiter. Nine out of 10 Republicans are non-Hispanic white, and more than half are highly religious, according to Gallup. This isn’t news, but when this demographic is suddenly associated with renewed debate about whether women should have access to contraception — never mind abortion — suddenly they begin to look like the Republican Brotherhood.

Add to that perception the abhorrent, pre-abortion ultrasound legislation proposed in Virginia, and you can kiss the pope’s ring and voters’ retreating backsides.

The proposed law, temporarily tabled, called for women seeking an abortion to be forced to submit to a vaginal ultrasound. Aldous Huxley’s “The Devils of Loudon” comes to mind, but he was writing about exorcisms in a convent of 17th-century France. When did Republicans, who supposedly believe in less government intervention, begin thinking that invading a person’s body against her will was remotely acceptable?

Saner minds have prevailed, at least for now, but the fact that the bill was ever conceived and taken seriously by at least some legislators gives freedom-loving voters every reason to run the other way.

Informed consent is, in my view, a reasonable goal. Surely removal of a human fetus deserves the same level of awareness we would insist upon in removing, say, a gall bladder. If some women change their minds after viewing the contents of their womb, then they obviously needed more information than they had going in. Still, any procedure should be voluntary, and inserting a probe into a woman against her will is rape by any other name.

Obviously, this is no place for the state.

The Virginia bill and the broader, bogus message often repeated on left-leaning talk shows that Republicans are campaigning against birth control have created a perfect storm for defeat. The math is clear: Sixty-seven percent of women are either Democrats (41 percent) or independents (26 percent); more women than men vote; 55 percent of women ages 18-22 voted in the 2008 presidential election.

Republicans are caught in a nearly impossible situation, none more than the more temperate-minded Mitt Romney. It is important to remember, however, why contraception came up in the first place. Republicans were forced to man their battlements by the Obama administration’s new health-care rule requiring that Catholic organizations pay for contraception in violation of conscience. From there, things spiraled out of the realm of religious liberty, where this debate belongs, and into the fray of moral differences.

Santorum’s original surge was based not on social issues but on his authenticity and his ability to identify with middle-class struggles. He was the un-Romney. But now this appealing profile has been occluded by social positions that make him an outlier to mainstream Americans.

Republicans may sleep better if they nominate The Most Conservative Person In The World, but they won’t be seeing the executive branch anytime soon. It’s too bad this election season got lost in the weeds of religious conviction. It wouldn’t have happened if the Obama administration had simply taken one of several other routes available for providing birth control to women who want it. Instead, Obama aimed right at the heart of the Republican Party and, one can only assume, got exactly what he wanted: a culture war in which Rick Santorum would be the natural point man and, in the broader public’s perception, the voice of the GOP.”

From The Washington Post

“Rick Santorum is a big government, big spending, nanny state “Republican.” He lost his last election by 18 points. He is part of the Republican party that behaved like Democrats in terms of spending and size of government. He voted for the Bridge to Nowhere TWO TIMES and repeatedly voted to protect unions. We need to leave this failed part of Republicanism and return to a true, proven and accomplished small government conservative like Newt Gingrich.”

Rick Santorum-Big Government, Big Spending Conservative

Source:Mike L– Fox News discussing Rick Santorum for President.

From Mike L

Imagine if President Obama said he wanted more Americans on public assistance instead of in higher education, imagine how the right-wing would’ve reacted. They would’ve called Barack Obama a Socialist: “See, we’ve been right all along: Barack Obama is a Socialist. He wants more people in America dependent on government. Instead of taking care of themselves. He wants to transform America into Europe.”

Rick Santorum and the rest of the right-wing can’t have it both ways and be credible. If you believe higher education and being self-sufficient is the right thing, instead of being dependent on public assistance, something they’ve been saying for eighty years if not longer, then you can’t say well thats a bad idea now, just because someone you don’t like agrees with you.

What the Republican Party should be saying is that: “Government dependence is bad and we need more people working in America paying their own bills, instead of living off of people who do. Even Barack Obama understands this, we’ve been right all along.”

People simply for the most part (unless they are an athlete or entertainer) can’t make it on their own in America, with just a high school diploma. Our economy is just too advanced now. People need higher education and get those extra skills just to have a good chance of getting a good job in this country. Which is something that President Obama was acknowledging and Rick Santorum doesn’t understand.

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on WordPress.

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_Rick Santorum_ — A BLR SoundbiteSource:Bad Lip Reading– Rick Santorum: having an off day or is he just more honest when he’s drunk? LOL

“Rick Santorum” — A BLR Soundbite”

From Bad Lip Reading

Imagine this: you’re a member of the opposition party, facing a President that has presided over the Great Recession (the worst recession we’ve had since the Great Depression of the 1930s) you’re facing a President that’s also presided over a fairly modest if not weak economic recovery (we are still growing at around 2% GDP with 8.2% unemployment) and you run your worst possible candidate to try to defeat the sitting President, in Rick Santorum. In fairness to Senator Santorum: Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign didn’t make it to January. And Sarah Palin didn’t bother to run for President.Perhaps she can’t get a fly of Alaska.

The up in-coming presidential election is almost completely about the economy, at least to Independent voters that will decide the presidential election. So all you need is a presidential nominee that can talk economics and communicate a plan back to strong economic growth. And bring down our high unemployment rate. You do that and ask the question: “Are you better off today, then you were four years ago?” You win the presidential election by 5-10 points and take Congress with you.

I just laid out the perfect storm for how Republicans should be able to win back the White House. But the problem is we are dealing with a Republican Party that’s now dominated by Christian-Nationalists that believe gay marriage and pornography are bigger threats to the country, than terrorism or the weak economic recovery.

The Far-Right in America, doesn’t live in the same world as sane people. They care more about ideological purity than they do winning presidential elections. Someone who represents their Far-Right, big government political ideology, then winning the presidential election and doing what’s in the best interest of the country.

The whole reason why Rick Santorum is seen as a serious contender for the presidential nomination, is because he appeals to Christian-Fundamentalists and blue-collar Republicans. When thirty years ago he would’ve been seen as nothing more than a Far-Right presidential candidate, like Pat Robertson. Like an escaped mental patient who wondered into a political convention and just got this vision that he was President of the United States and got someone to fill out the paperwork for him.

But the problem with the GOP today is that they have more Pat Robertson’s than Barry Goldwater’s or Ron Reagan’s, when it comes to social Issues and national security. Sure, the Far-Right has it’s presidential candidate. And a competitive shot at winning the presidential nomination. The problem for the GOP is most of the country isn’t part of the Far-Right. And someone like a Rick Santorum would have a hard time winning 45% of the vote. And would kill the GOP’s chances of retaining the House and winning back the Senate.

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“Former Governor Buddy Roemer (R-LA) spoke about his interest in a presidential campaign and his political career. Among the topics he addressed were U.S. economic and fiscal policy, his decision to switch parties in 1991, and his record as governor.”


“The Federal Election Commission has qualified its first 2012 presidential candidate for receiving matching federal funds: Buddy Roemer.

Roemer is a long shot for the GOP nomination. He has not participated in any of the Republican debates so far and has said he would consider a third-party bid through the Americans Elect campaign.”

“The Federal Election Commission has qualified its first 2012 presidential candidate for receiving matching federal funds: Buddy Roemer.

Roemer is a long shot for the GOP nomination. He has not participated in any of the Republican debates so far and has said he would consider a third-party bid through the Americans Elect campaign.”

There a few reasons why Buddy Roemer doesn’t fit in with the Democratic and Republican parties even though he’s a lifetime Democrat and Republican. And thats just it: he’s a lifetime Democrat and Republican, he really doesn’t fit in either party.

Buddy Roemer is that he’s anti-establishment, what’s good for the country, not the party he believes that the best politics are the best policies and government. Governor Roemer has this Harry Truman streak in him, which scares the hell out of the Democratic and Republican establishments.

The Republican Party (Governor Roemer’s current home) isn’t going to give him the resources to finance his campaign in the way, where the Roemer Campaign can raise the resources to get their message out and raise their awareness enough that they can climb in the polls and be factors in key Republican states and win enough Republican delegates so he can be a serious threat to win the Republican nomination.

I’ve been arguing for months that Buddy Roemer should be running as an Independent for President. A Conservative Independent in the mole of Ron Reagan, that will go to Washington to clean it up. And who’s someone the No Labels movement could support, as well as other Independent groups that should be promoting people like Buddy Roemer, Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Senator Joe Lieberman, Senator Ben Nelson, Senator Scott Brown, and others.

Time for the  Reform Party to be a real Independence Party thats made up of Conservative, Liberal and moderate pragmatists that put country over party and are mainly interested in doing what’s right, not what’s easy. Buddy Roemer could be that presidential candidate that could help start and Independence movement and put it on the map in American politics.

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Former Democratic Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson Launches Third Party 2012 Presidential Bid

Source:Democracy Now– former Salt Lake Mayor and Justice Party presidential candidate, Rocky Anderson.

“DemocracyNow.org – A new political party has entered the fray as an alternative to Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2012 elections. On Monday, former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson announced will run for president with the newly formed Justice Party. Although hailing from a solidly Red state, Anderson has been known as one of the most progressive mayors of any major U.S. city in recent years. During his two mayoral terms from 2000 to 2008, Anderson was an outspoken champion of LGBT rights, environmental sustainability, and the antiwar movement in opposition to the Iraq War. Vowing to fight the influence of money over politics, Anderson kicked off his campaign on Monday with a pledge to limit individual donations to $100 a person. Anderson and the Justice Party say they hope to build a grassroots movement heading into the November 2012 elections. “We launched the Justice Party because the entire system is so corrupt,” Anderson says. “It’s so diseased that we know that the public interest is not being served by anyone in the system right now, particularly, [by] the two dominant parties who have sustained this corrupt system and who are sustained by it.”

From Democracy Now

The Justice Party (I guess they believe in justice, but who doesn’t) is another left-wing, socialist, third-party to go along with the so-called Progressive Party (Democratic Socialists, in actuality) Democratic Socialists USA, the Green Party, and I would argue (at least) the so-called Progressive Caucus (Democratic Socialists, in actuality, and their allies in Congress, who are inside of the Democratic Party.

All of these so-called Progressive parties. are Democratic Socialist parties, all believing in heavy Federal Government Intervention into the economy (and in some cases our personal affairs as well) with high tax rates and regulations to fund what they want a European style welfare state to provide the human services, that they don’t trust the private sector to perform.

With Socialists (or Social Democrats) you would get government services (not free) like health insurance, health care, pensions, higher education, and so forth.

So when Rocky Anderson a Justice Party presidential candidate says his presidential campaign is about speaking to the people, he’s really speaking to the 10-15% of the country that believes in socialist politics. Not the 40% of the country that believes in Independent politics. And doesn’t trust either the Democratic or Republican parties.

The two-party System in America thats supposed to represent the Liberal and Conservative movements in America, doesn’t do a very good job of that, because this country is so much more politically diverse then that. We have not only Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, Progressives, Neoconservatives, Independents and Theocrats in it, all big enough political factions to support their own political party, but we have Socialists and Communists as well.

And why we need a liberal party that would be the Democratic Party. A Conservative Party made up of the Republican Party. A Libertarian Party made up of the, well the Libertarian Party. (If you guessed that, you would be correct) A socialist party made up of not only, well the Socialists. (If you guessed that you would be 2-2 so far) But also the Democratic Socialists USA, Green Party, and Justice Party. And an Independence Party made up pragmatic Liberals, Libertarians, Conservatives, and Progressives. That are about governing not partisan fighting to represent the 40% of the Independent vote to have a political system thats truly represented America.

American Socialists should look to unite and form their own political party that would be big and powerful enough to challenge both Democrats and Republicans. Instead of being scattered around in several different third parties. And we also need an Independence Party that can speak for the largest voting block in America Independents (naturally) who are fed up with our two-party political system.

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Source:PBS NewsHour– “PBS is an American Public Broadcast Service. Wikipedia Washington Post political reporter Dan Balz.

Source:The Daily Times 

“The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is an American public broadcaster and television program distributor.[6] It is a nonprofit organization and the most prominent provider of educational television programming to public television stations in the United States, distributing series such as American Experience, America’s Test Kitchen, Antiques Roadshow, Arthur, Barney & Friends, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Downton Abbey, Finding Your Roots, Frontline, The Magic School Bus, Masterpiece Theater, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Nature, Nova, the PBS NewsHour, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street, Teletubbies, Keeping up Appearances and This Old House.”

From Wikipedia 

“A month away from the Iowa caucuses, two new polls show that the race for the Republican presidential nomination has a new frontrunner: Newt Gingrich. Judy Woodruff takes a look at the latest poll results with The Washington Post\’s Dan Balz and J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Company, which conducted one of the Iowa polls.”

From the PBS NewsHour

I’m not a Newt Gingrich fan in the sense that I would ever vote for him. I’m a Liberal Democrat in the real sense of the term. And Newt is a Progressive-Republican (not what you probably think Progressive is) on most things, but has neoconservative leanings on the War on Terror that I don’t like. But on the economic policy issues, the War on Poverty and other social welfare issues, I tend to respect Newt and even agree with him from time to time.

He’s got a lot of baggage that will probably prevent him from being President of the United States and even the Republican nominee. Unless there’s a new Newt like there was a new Nixon in 1968. There’s some positive aspect about him we don’t know about yet. Like he’s grown up as a campaigner and a manager and can avoid making cheap mistakes that could ruin his presidential campaign. But the reasons for his success right now, are what people like about him. He loves to speak to people individually, he speaks his mind.

Newt loves and is very good about retail politics. He’s very provocative, his positions and answers are not poll driven. He probably doesn’t have much of a budget for polls right now to begin with. Which could change quickly if Newt were to win Iowa, but we are still four weeks away from that. But Newt is doing what really works for him, which is speak to the people.

Newt simply can’t afford to make mistakes right now because of his tight budget, which I believe has benefited him, because it’s disciplined his campaign because of the fact that he can’t afford to make mistakes right now. So his tight budget is actually paying off for Newt right now.

Newt’s path to the Republican nomination in 2012, knockout a heavy favorite and heavy financed frontrunner in Mitt Romney. Which is something a lot if not of a consensus of the Republican Party would like to see and a lot of Democrats would like to see, is to first avoid any further big mistakes. Don’t take any positions that you have to change later, don’t run away or try to cover up things from the past. When facts about his past come up, especially bad ones, acknowledge them and say you were wrong. Don’t try to cover them up. No more ethics violations, dig deep to get all of those out in the public. Obviously don’t commit any new ones. Newt is leading right now because of the debates and his retail politicking.

And Newt has done well in his press conferences. He should put his new and provocative policy positions on the table. Newt does well when his campaign is about his ideas not his past, because then he’s on the defensive. He’s been in politics for over thirty years in one capacity or another. As far as the Republican primary’s,

Newt’s Path to the Republican nomination, is win Iowa or New Hampshire. Both is preferable and puts him in excellent shape in South Carolina and with fundraising. If Newt wins Iowa or New Hampshire and finishes a strong second in the other primary and someone other than Mitt Romney wins the other primary, like Ron Paul, Newt is still in good shape going into South Carolina. So would the other Republican primary winner, because then Mitt Romney has to go full-out in South Carolina to save his campaign, taking on two strong contenders that he trails. Thats Newt Gingrich’s path to the Republican nomination for President

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Rick Santorum, Former Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, on 2012 Election_ 'In It to Win'

Source:ABC News– Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (Republican, Pennsylvania) talking to ABC News about his presidential campaign.

“Former Senator from Pennsylvania declares intention to run for U.S. president. For more on this story, click here:ABC News.”

From ABC News

Is there any point in taking Rick Santorum seriously anymore except for maybe when we need and are looking for a good laugh: I mean this is the guy who’s a devout Catholic who blamed with Catholic Church scandal with their Priests back in 2002, on gays.

Now today Senator Santorum says the reason why American soldiers fought in World War II, so they can have freedom of choice in their health care.

Senator Santorum, didn’t mention the fact that American military personal fought in World War II: number one, to defend themselves, number two, to defend their fellow servicemen, and number three to defend their country. Thats why we fought in World War II. It’s not like guys were telling their wives and families: “Honey, dad, mom etc, I must fight in World War II so we can continue to have freedom of choice in our health care!”

We went to War in World War II to save European Jews from being genocide and two prevent further genocides of Jews. (To state the obvious) It had nothing to do with health care or health insurance.

And for Rick Santorum, by the way how he ever get elected to the U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania: Was the whole state high on marijuana on Election Day in 1994? His statement is complete nonsense. (For lack of a better word)

Rick Santorum who I assume for argument sake means well and I don’t put people down for the fun of it (contrary to popular opinion) is another example of how weak the GOP presidential field of 2012 is.

Senator Santorum is also  another example of how the President Obama’s potential competition is his best asset. And who thirty years ago would’ve been considered a fringe Far-Right presidential  candidate, because of his outrageous statements.

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The American Spectator_ Jeffrey Lord_ ‘Sarah Palin to Sean Hannity_ I May Run’ _ The New DemocratSource:The American Spectator– Sean Hannity talking to Tea Party activist Sarah Palin.

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on Blogger. You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on WordPress.

Source:The American Spectator:

“Nbsp;Does Sarah Palin have a secret Nixon strategy?

Last night on Hannity (as seen here in Part 1 and here in Part 2) former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin dropped into the Iowa State Fair to say that she is indeed considering a presidential run….and the place went nuts. Calling for an “American Restoration” her appearance drew noisy cheers from the surrounding crowd when she suggested among other things (and here she pointed to the crowd) that it was the job of Americans to be “holding those liars accountable” who insist big government is the answer.

Time moves quickly, and what was interesting in Palin’s appearance was not just the crowd response. It was almost that in her long absence from the presidential campaign, leading many to suggest she was in fact not a candidate, rank-and-file Republicans had scanned the potential candidates and suddenly realized it was Palin they had loved all along.

If in fact Palin finally jumps into this race, there is an interesting historical precedent for the idea that a self-enforced absence from the political scene makes the public’s heart grow fonder for the missing candidate.

In 1967 Richard Nixon, rejuvenated by the GOP success in the 1966 elections (like the GOP 2010 victories a stunning GOP comeback) and wanting badly to have a second shot in 1968 after his narrow loss to JFK in 1960, had an interesting strategy. He believed his biggest problem was the belief by many that, in his words, “Nixon can’t win.” How to ge around this? While privately telling his closest friends he wanted them to move ahead with plans to run, publicly he announced that he would spend 1967 in a self-imposed political “moratorium.” Nixon later wrote:

… I considered the ability to remain officially undecided for as long as possible to be one of my greatest advantages. Not only would this allow me more independence, but the speculation about my intentions guaranteed far more media attention than I would have if I announced…

Here’s another interesting coincidence. The front runner of the day in 1967 for the GOP? That would be the popular Republican Governor of Michigan – Mitt Romney’s dad, George. Nixon said the risk in letting Romney have all the attention in 1967

was carefully calculated. George Romney would be out front taking the heat from the press and the pundits while I continued my quiet planning.…

In the end, Romney did step in it, saying he had been brainwashed while in Vietnam by the LBJ folks. Nixon, on the sidelines, suddenly looked very responsible — and electable. Palin is decidedly not Nixon. Still… a famous old strategy for someone dismissed as not being able to win can still be a good one.

And based on her Iowa appearance and the response from the crowd watching her newsworthy re-emergence on Hannity, Palin may suddenly be a serious threat not just to Romney but every other GOP candidate as well.

Palin will make her decision by the end of this month or early September, she has said.

Stay tuned.” From Jeffrey Lord.

“In a June 3, 2011 interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News , former Alaska Governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin expressed frustration over the Republican Party and hinted of a possible third party run in 2012.

“You know what, a year ago I would have said please don’t even consider third party,” Palin told Hannity. “I think conditions have changed in this last year…if they’re not careful in the GOP there will be a third party rise up just like back in the day when the Whigs finally went away and Republicans rose up.”

Please proceed to The New Conservative Journal for the full transcript of this portion of Gov. Palin’s interview.”

Conservative Journal_ Sean Hannity- 'Sarah Palin Opens Door To Possible Third Party Run'Source:

From the Conservative Journal

It would be a great day for the Republican Party and a bad day for comedians, pundits and bloggers if Sarah Palin left the GOP to run for President. Probably for some Far-Right third-party.

She doesn’t have a blizzard’s chance in hell of winning the GOP nomination for president in 2012 and perhaps ever. Because the GOP establishment has essentially told her, perhaps even to her face that she won’t win it. Because they are looking for a presidential nominee that can beat the President and win the White House in 2012.

Which is why Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty look so good to them right now. And why Mitch Daniels had he decided to run for President for 2012, would’ve look so good to them as well.

The GOP establishment wants to win in 2012. While the GOP base is looking for a presidential nominee that’s perfect in their mind ideologically. Especially on social issues where Sarah Palin fits in so well with them: anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc, where they don’t trust Mitt Romney.

Sarah Palin doesn’t belong in a major political party like the GOP. But at the head of a fringe Far-Right party. And the GOP would be better off if she left them for good.

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CNN_ AC360- 'Anderson Cooper_ Keeping Michele Bachmann Honest'

Source:CNN– Representative Michele Bachmann, was always a great candidate for Anderson Cooper’s RidicuList as well.

Source:The Daily Times 

“Michele Bachmann, Queen Of The Dumb, Lies About Planned Parenthood. Michele Bachmann makes up a quote about a Planned Parenthood executive.”

From CNN

Back in the late 1990s and 2000s former President Bush chief political strategist Karl Rove, mastered the political strategy of divide and Conquer. He didn’t invent the political strategy. That probably happened with the Nixon Campaign, but nobody has done it better before or since.

When you know you’re in a tough election and your candidate isn’t very popular, instead of talking about what you’re good at and what you want to do, you try to destroy your opponent. So they seem worse than you are. And you take stories about your opponents and give the worst possible spin about them as you can come up with. To make your opponent look as bad as possible.

Which is exactly what Michele Bachmann has done ever since taking office in the House. And now running for President of the United States. Ah’ an American Citizen, she was born in America, she’s at least 35 years old, she’s free. So in her mind she’s as qualified as anyone else to run for President of the United States. Which by the way are her only qualifications to run for President of the United States.

Representative Bachmann is an expert on nothing, except perhaps ignorance. Makes up things as she goes along and represents what happens when American voters vote style over substance. Representative Bachmann has style, but where’s the rest. Palin and Bachmann are both attractive, funny intentionally and unintentionally and have style. But neither one of them has any there, there.

As a Liberal Democrat my dream ticket for the Republican Party in 2012, are Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Or in reverse order. The problem being that at least Sarah Palin understands that she’s not qualified to be President. At least not yet and Michele Bachmann hasn’t gotten that message. And the other problem even though there have been plenty of obvious clues put in front of her, being that the GOP is not dumb enough to nominate either one of them for President. And wouldn’t accept the other for Vice President.

Which is why I’ve always said that Sarah Palin is not going to run for President. Because the GOP Leadership has told her not to. And the Republican establishment would run away from her. I mean, can you imagine a Palin/Bachmann ticket or in reverse order. Against Obama/Biden, all the President has to do: “Look you may not like us, but look at the other crew spending all of their time denying and retracting things that they’ve said. Just trying to prove that they are qualified to be President and Vice President of the United States.”

President Obama would just have to say: “You got to reëlect me for no other reason to prevent the other crew that doesn’t even understand their jobs that they are running for from being elected.” I mean can you imagine President Palin or Bachmann getting that famous 3AM call. What would their response be: “Don’t bother me, I’m sleeping. I’ll defend the country or respond to the crisis when the sun is up.” I’m expecting President Obama to get reelected in 2012 if for no other reason, because of their competition or lack of competition.

And the divisive primary’s that the Republican Party is about to face, where Iowa and New Hampshire could be won by two different candidates and neither one of them is named Mitt Romney. Which would force Romney to make a big play in South Carolina and make a divided Republican race even more divided. But a Palin/Bachmann ticket or the other

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