
Posts Tagged ‘Hypocrites’

Death Penalty Source: This piece was originally posted at FRS Daily Times

You know who my favorite people in politics as a blogger to write about, not that I have any respect for them, political hypocrites, like Religious Conservatives who claim they are Pro-Life. And that life is sacred and so forth which is how they justify their anti-abortion positions. But then tend to be pro- death penalty, so I guess life isn’t that sacred, just some lives. I guess they could change their position on abortion to, pro-innocent life. But that doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it as pro-life.

Of course not all pro-life people are hypocrites on the abortion issue. Like Catholics who tend to be pro Life on abortion and the death penalty. If people who are pro-life on abortion, but pro-death on the death penalty aren’t hypocritical on the life issue, then they sure as hell at least have a flexible position on the life issue right. But hell we live in a liberal democracy right, as much as Religious Conservatives hate that. And rather live in Iran instead or a place like that and I say to them. “What’s keeping you in America, I’ll help you move”.

Just to be be fair there are people who are hypocritical on the life issue. But from the other side, people who are pro-choice on abortion (but not pro-choice on many other things) and Pro Life on the death penalty. People who have no problem with a women who decides to get an abortion in the 10th or 11th month. Because the women decides on her own or perhaps after consulting people including the father of her baby. That “you know what I change my mind, I’m not going to have this baby”. But then have a serious problem with a serial murderer getting the death penalty or even a life sentence in prison, because “they believe its cruel and unusual punishment.

Generally speaking for me I don’t have a problem with any position with what someone takes on Political issues. As long as their positions are factually based and not made of ignorance. It’s the hypocrisy that gets me, like being both pro-life and pro-death, the same person and another person being pro- choice and pro-life. Thats just to convenient for me, make up your mind what are you. If you’re pro-life, you’re pro-life, otherwise don’t call yourselves pro-life. And instead say you’re pro- life on abortion or the death penalty.

Me personally just to put my cards on the table, I’m pro-choice on abortion, well 98-99% pro- choice. I have an issue with partial birth abortion, when the baby is basically ready to be delivered. And just waiting for the mother to deliver the baby and pro-choice on a lot of other issues. But I’m also for protecting innocent life and preventing innocent people from being murdered. That makes me pro- death penalty for some murderers like serial murderers. Who represent a threat to murder again and have no remorse for their past murders. And are even proud of them and I’m also at times pro-war, when I believe innocent life is at stake and we can prevent those innocent lives from being taken. I have no remorse for serial murderers like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and how they were put to death.

Not all lives to me are worth saving, especially serial murderers like Charlie Manson. Who didn’t have the balls to murder anyone himself and instead had his crime family perform his evil for him. And then lies about his role in those murders and has been lying about them for over forty years now. If he was killed tomorrow, I wouldn’t celebrate it, I’m not evil or anything, but I would see it as justifiable homicide. And if the person who killed him got off for the killing, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. The man should’ve gotten the death penalty thirty years ago and finally got what he deserve. Not all Lives are worth saving but Innocent Lives sure as hell are.

HBO: George Carlin on The Death Penalty

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Source: This post was originally posted at The New Democrat

Warning this blog contains language that may offend over-sensitive tight asses

aPoliticians are people just like us.  I know that might sound like,  “No shit, Sherlock,” or “You can’t be serious.”  It’s also true that many politicians are wealthy and begin life with many advantages over average Americans.  But they have the same propensity for stupid acts as we do.  Because they live much of their lives in public, when they make mistakes and get caught lying, everybody knows about it.  They do the same stupid things that average Americans do but, since they got their jobs by election, their transgressions get more publicity and they suffer immediately.

George Carlin was a great political satirist.  Bil Maher is not qualified to be his dishwasher, chauffeur, or caddy.  Carlin said, politicians live in our communities, go to our schools, shop at the same stores we do, or have their secretary’s do those things for them. But they come from the same places that we do. The only difference being that their jobs are public.

When Joe and Mary Smith cheat on their college exams, bang their secretary’s or babysitters, or forge documents, only the people they work with or for, the bysitters parents, or each other, if they are cheating,  gives a damn.  But when Senator, Representative, or Governor Smith cheats on his wife, hires an illegal immigrant, bangs his secretary, babysitter or intern, the whole world knows about it.

Politicians also have a hell of a lot more money than we do.  They use our money to give their lobbyist friends bridges and roads that only ten people use.  We give them their jobs with our votes.  We should monitor their performance closely (Chris Christie) and vote accordingly in the future.  If we don’t,  we   have only ourselves to blame.

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